Welcome to www.TravelAfrica.tours (‘website’, ‘site’, ‘us’ or ‘TravelAfrica.tours’)

TravelAfrica.tours is a travel marketplace, specialised in selling holiday packages and tours in Africa and the Indian Ocean as offered by local destination suppliers.


TravelAfrica.tours provides travelers with:

  1. a short destination guide and traveler essential information before they travel.
  2. a selection of holiday packages, sightseeing tours and excursions in Africa and the Indian Ocean.
  3. an informational platform to its customers to assist in the search and planning of their holidays in Africa and the Indian Ocean.
  4. a booking platform to its customers to facilitate the booking of holiday packages and tours in Africa and the Indian Ocean.

General Terms of Use

The terms of use (the “Terms of Use”), together with our privacy policy (“Privacy Policy”), apply to the use of the whole website. Visitors of the website (‘You’, ‘user’, ‘Client’, ‘Traveller’) use the website on the condition that they have read and understood the Terms of Use and the Privacy Policy, and agree to be bound by all parts of the Terms of Use and the Privacy Policy.

No offer

All product descriptions on this website are provided by local destination experts (herewith also referred to as ‘local destination operators or suppliers’), who have been carefully selected by TravelAfrica.tours. All general destination information are provided as general information purposes and is updated at regular intervals.


TravelAfrica.tours usually makes all reasonable efforts to ensure that the Products listed are of reasonable standard. The product description from local destination operators provided on the Website is not and should not be taken as a recommendation from TravelAfrica.tours or a representation that the product or local destination operator of such product will be suitable for the user’s purpose. TravelAfrica.tours shall in no way be liable to you in the event that a local destination operator or Product is not suitable for your purpose.

Information on this website does not constitute an offer binding to us. A binding agreement with local destination operators via this website will require a registration and a booking request and the local destination operator’s acceptance of the booking request according to the terms and conditions of this site.

No warranty

TravelAfrica.tours reserves the right to make changes to the content, structure, features, functionalities of the site, at any point in time and with immediate effect without specifically informing of any such change, and without removing outdated information or characterizing it as such. TravelAfrica.tours can also suspend in full or partially the website without notice and at any point in time.

TravelAfrica.tours does not provide any warranties, expressed or implied, in relation to:

  • the availability of the Website or its functions,
  • that the Website is free from defects,
  • that the Website and the infrastructure on which it runs is free from viruses and other harmful software, and/or
  • that the website has not been altered through technical defects or by unauthorized third parties.

TravelAfrica.tours ensures to its best ability that the information in or through the Website is accurate. However, you expressly agree that use of this site is at your sole risk. Neither TravelAfrica.tours, directors or employees, warrant that use of the site will be uninterrupted or error free; nor do they make any warranty as to

  • the results that may be obtained from use of this site, or
  • the accuracy, completeness, reliability or content of any information (including, but not limited to, product descriptions, services, products, offers, or statements provided through this site.

The site and all content, statements and other information contained on the site, and products and services accessible or available through the site are made accessible or available on an “as is” and “as available” basis.

TravelAfrica.tours may also block Users from accessing the Website or parts of it, or may require certain conditions to be fulfilled for such access.

Limited Liability

In no event shall TravelAfrica.tours, directors, employees, merchants, partners, be liable for any indirect, incidental, special, consequential or punitive damages arising out of or related to your use of the site, the content, statements and other information contained therein, the products or services accessible or available through the site or these terms of use. In no event will TravelAfrica.tours’s liability in connection with an offer or a product or service exceed the amounts paid for such offer, product or service. Total aggregate liability arising out of or related to this agreement shall not exceed the amounts paid by you during the six months preceding the bringing of any claim.

Restrictions of liability do not apply within the scope of guarantees issued, in the event of an injury to life, limb or health or for claims based on product liability regulation.

Links to third party websites and advertisements

The Site contains links to websites maintained by other parties. These links are provided solely as a convenience to you and not because we endorse or have an opinion about the contents on such websites. We expressly disclaim any representations regarding the content or accuracy of materials on such websites or the privacy practices of those websites. If you decide to access websites maintained by other parties, you use such websites at your own risk. We recommend reading the policies of these websites and reviewing how these websites may process personally identifiable data relating to you. If you think we have illicit content on the Website, please send us an email to contact@TravelAfrica.tours.

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